Radiation detector with thermistor bolometers


  • С. П. Яцишин Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», вул. С.Бандери, 12, м. Львів, 79013, тел. (032) 258–23–94
  • Н. Є. Гоц Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», вул. С.Бандери, 12, м. Львів, 79013, тел. (032) 258–23–94


radiation thermometry, radiation detector, thermistor bolometer, sensitivity.


In the petrochemical and oil refining industry at various stages of production there is a need noncontact temperature measurement in the range 0°C .. 1000°C. We use thermometers and thermal imagers of radiation. Industry makes more stringent demands for precision temperature measurement by means of these funds. This increases the requirements for radiation–sensitive elements of receivers, including one of the main parameters – the ratio "signal – noise." The purpose of the article is to investigate opportunities to increase the sensitivity of radiation detectors using thermistor bolometer by examining the conditions and identify measures to minimize their noise–fluctuation effects in different conditions.


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How to Cite

Яцишин, С. П., & Гоц, Н. Є. (2012). Radiation detector with thermistor bolometers. METHODS AND DEVICES OF QUALITY CONTROL, (1(28), 137–141. Retrieved from https://mpky.nung.edu.ua/index.php/mpky/article/view/20

