Application and algorithmic software of the control system of the technical state parameters of the two-stage centrifugal compressor


  • V. M. Harasymiv Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019
  • O. V. Moiseenko Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019
  • T. G. Harasymiv Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019



сompressor station, centrifugal compressor, technical state parameters, application software, application program module, SCADA system, linear production administration of gas transmittal pipelines.


Efficiency of the technical state of the compressor station basic components depends on the timely prediction of the appearance of damages. It is defined by the estimation of the technical state of the basic components during the compression process. It is known that the two-stage centrifugal compressors are commonly used in the Ukrainian compressor stations. So, application software and algorithm for the two-stage centrifugal compressor have been developed, what allows to define its technical state parameters, taking into account the
construction features of the compressor volute.

The algorithm of the control system of the technical state parameters for the two-stage centrifugal compressor has been represented, what allows to define the receiving of the information order from sensors, methods of the information analysis and the representing order of the information to the operator.

Application software for the control system of the technical state parameters of the two-stage centrifugal compressor has been organized like the application program module to aim to analyze and define the technical state of the two-stage centrifugal compressor during the compression process. It was written in the object-oriented language Delphi, and with the opportunity of its integration into existing software for conrolling the compressor. The software provides the capability of data collection and processing, the mathematical model parameters identification of the centrifugal compressor, determining volumetric productivity values, which correspond to the conditions where the centrifugal compressor is a new one or after its overhaul, calculating technical state parameters of the compressor and the expert estimation of the volute technical state of the two-stage centrifugal compressor based on fuzzy logic.

Application software for the parameters control of the two-stage centrifugal compressor has been tested during operation of the two-stage centrifugal compressor 650-21-2 of the compressor station 39 of Bogorodchany linear production administration of gas transmittal pipelines. Obtained results confirmed the average deterioration of the volute technical state.


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How to Cite

Harasymiv, . V. M., Moiseenko, . O. V., & Harasymiv, . T. G. (2020). Application and algorithmic software of the control system of the technical state parameters of the two-stage centrifugal compressor. METHODS AND DEVICES OF QUALITY CONTROL, (1(44), 110–118.

