The metal structures technical diagnostics system by acoustuc emission method control process automation models and schematic solution


  • A. O. Sharko Kherson National Technical University, Ukraine, 73008 Kherson, Berislavske shosse, 24



acoustic emission, technical diagnostics, automation, recommendations, requirements.


The need to develop hardware for the technical diagnostics of the strength properties of metal structures is explained by the need for continuous monitoring of the state of industrial objects in the systems of technical diagnostics, which allow to record the force response to changes caused by changes in the loading conditions of the material structure. The current state of technical diagnostics equipment is considered. It is proved that the main principle of control automation in the systems of technical diagnostics of the strength properties of materials by acoustic emission methods is the detection and identification of signals, their amplification, frequency filtering, discrimination and normalization of pulses in duration and amplitude. The use of these operations allows the automated passport system to process the primary data in real time and to perform an integrated assessment of the state of the object at different stages of its life cycle. A structural diagram of the receiving equipment for measuring acoustic emission parameters, a number of designs of acoustic sensors and hardware for processing acoustic emission signals, which guarantee high quality performance of metal structures. On the basis of the analysis of modern and foreign equipment, which became widespread in the practice of technical diagnostics by the method of acoustic emission, the directions of formation of the acoustic tract of diagnostic equipment and the basic requirements for the design of the recording equipment are formulated. It is established that information support of automated systems of control and diagnostics of metal structures requires determination of their informative parameters. It is proved that the main characteristic of diagnostics of the state of metal structures in the course of their operation is the flow of AE signals, which is determined by the average value of the pulse amplitude, the dispersion of the amplitude, the amplitude distribution, the amplitude frequency distribution of time intervals between pulses. The recovery of information obtained by the diagnostic system from the AE source is the basic principle of the construction of automated control systems and diagnostics of metal structures.


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How to Cite

Sharko, A. O. (2020). The metal structures technical diagnostics system by acoustuc emission method control process automation models and schematic solution. METHODS AND DEVICES OF QUALITY CONTROL, (1(44), 24–34.

