
  • V. M. Khoda Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding; 9 Heroes of Ukraine Avenue, Mykolaiv, 54007, Ukraine
  • O. A. Stadnichenko Ukrainian Institute of Plant Variety Examination; 15 Henerala Rodymtseva Str., Kyiv, 03041
  • S. S. Nekrasov 3Sumy State University; 116, Kharkivska Str., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine
  • M. O. Rozhkov Sumy State University; 116, Kharkivska Str., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine
  • N. G. Buzoveria Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas; 15 Karpatska Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76019, Ukraine



lathe; automation; electric drive; control system; modeling; optimization; Internet of Things; web interface; SCADA system.


The purpose of this article is to analyze a computerized control system for a lathe based on Internet of Things technology to identify its capabilities, advantages, and potential limitations. The article aims to determine the optimal ways of implementing and utilizing such a system to enhance the efficiency of the manufacturing process on lathe machines. The research employs empirical analysis of automated control systems for lathes, theoretical synthesis of control system components, and computer modeling for visualizing interaction processes. IoT technologies are utilized for data collection and transmission, along with integration with SCADA systems for remote monitoring and control. Parametric optimization is additionally used to enhance system efficiency. The study analyzes and enhances the automatic control system for the lathe's feed drive, increasing efficiency and precision. Parametric optimization of the system is conducted, and a web-human-machine interface is developed, enabling remote control and monitoring of the manufacturing process. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the use of IoT technology for automating the control of a lathe's feed drive. The integration of modern data transmission technologies and SCADA systems adds new capabilities for remote control and monitoring of the manufacturing process. The practical value of the work lies in creating an improved automated control system
that can be implemented in the manufacturing process to enhance efficiency and accuracy in lathe machining

The system integrates with other automated systems and IoT technologies, expanding its functional capabilities and application areas.


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How to Cite

Khoda, V. M., Stadnichenko, O. A., Nekrasov, S. S., Rozhkov, M. O., & Buzoveria, N. G. (2024). COMPUTERIZED IOT-SYSTEM FOR CONTROL OF LATHE. METHODS AND DEVICES OF QUALITY CONTROL, (1(52), 102–114.

