ionizing radiation source, service life, control card, calibration.Abstract
Today, sources of ionizing α-, β- and γ-radiation are used in various spheres of the Ukrainian economy. Their service life is set by the manufacturer from the moment of their manufacture and determines the duration of use of the source of ionizing radiation.
According to the current legislation of Ukraine, spent sources of ionizing radiation, which have expired, are subject to transfer to specialized enterprises for radioactive waste management and disposal. If the fact of preservation of radiation characteristics, tightness and absence of defects and their signs on the closed source of ionizing radiation is confirmed, its service life can be extended. But the legislation does not regulate the conditions for extending the service life, and as a consequence of the duration of their operation.
The purpose of this article is to form requirements for the method of extending the service life of closed sources of ionizing radiation. To do this, the authors of the article solved the following tasks: a review of sources of ionizing radiation and their use in industry; the general classification of ionizing radiation on various classification signs is formed; the analysis of works influencing establishment of term of use of sources of ionizing radiation is carried out; the general requirements and algorithm of a technique of prolongation of service life of sources of ionizing radiation are developed.
Establishment of service life by the manufacturer from the moment of manufacture of a source of ionizing radiation occurs under condition of its conformity to the purpose and the basic technical requirements of standards and requirements to tightness of its design which under proper operating conditions should provide radiation safety in places of operation and storage.
Conformity assessment of ionizing radiation sources is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Technical Regulations for Closed Ionizing Radiation Sources".
Metrological verification of ionizing radiation sources is performed in accordance with the requirements of the approved "Method of calibration of ionizing radiation sources" by determining such metrological characteristics as the activity of the ionizing radiation source, particle flux at an angle of 2π and specific or volumetric activity.
The authors formulate the requirements and propose an algorithm of the method of extending the service life of ionizing radiation sources based on the processing of the results of their calibration using control charts. Using the method of control cards allows not only to decide on the continuation of operation and service life of the source of ionizing radiation, but also to determine the duration of the extended service life of the source
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