repair, pipelines, quality, control, bacteria.Abstract
The main aspects of reconstruction and repair of trunk pipelines are considered in the article. It is shown that an important technological problem is to perform operations to remove the damaged insulation and to prepare the surface during the renovation and repair of pipelines. The associates of four physiological groups of bacteria were isolated from the damaged primers and the trunk gas pipelines laid in regions I, II and III. Their qualitative and quantitative composition is defined. It’s found that the DNB isolated bacteria are dominant in association which indicates the intensity of the processes of denitrification in the underground environment, resulting not only in destroying of the protective insulating coating, but the primer as well. In order to reduce costs for the repair of the pipelines, while increasing the productivity and quality of repair operations, the innovative solution to remove the locally intact insulation and the primer damaged by bacteria-destructors is offered. The quality of the surface ready for application of the insulating coating, coating thickness and adhesion of the coating to the metal pipes are controlled by the certified metrological instruments of Elcometer company.
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