ultrasound, pipeline monitoring, software, ultrasonic guided circumferential wave.Abstract
The approach to control walls of steel pipes using a developed software is proposed. The paper presents the theoretical basis of an acoustoelastic method based on bulk ultrasonic waves. The theoretical foundation for calculating the parameters of propagation of ultrasonic guided circumferential in walls of a metal pipes is presented. Based on the theory outlined a method to control the stress-strain state of the walls of the pipe by ultrasonic circumferential waves is presented. The approach of development the software that implements the automated control system with distributed elements is performed. The results of theoretical research calculations are in a table. Based on the study can be to developed a system of testing technical state of pipelines with small, medium and large diameters. The length of the pipeline, which can be tested is limited by possibility in transferring data from the primary sensor to a central server and may be a few kilometres.
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