natural gas, calorific value of natural gas, thermal conductivity.Abstract
In connection with the increase in prices for natural gas, the urgent issue is to calculate not only the amount of gas consumed, but also its quality precisely with the consumer. The quality of gas is the compliance of its physicochemical parameters with established regulatory documents. With the current gas accounting and payment system in Ukraine, consumers using the same number of cubic meters receive different heat of combustion.
The paper analyzes the regulatory framework for assessing the energy performance of natural gas. The necessity of the transition to accounting for natural gas in energy units is substantiated. Existing methods and means for determining the calorific value of natural gas that are used in Ukraine and abroad are considered. Currently, direct and indirect methods are used to determine the calorific value of natural value of natural gas. The most common is the calculation method based on chromatographic analysis, the implementation of which requires expensive equipment. Other methods for determining the calorific value of natural gas is correlation. The essence of which is to establish the relationship between a certain physicochemical property of natural gas and calorific value, which can be established by experimental observations and based on theoretical analysis, which makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the calorific value of natural gas. Based on the analysis, it was found that currently there are no simple in design and not expensive means of controlling the qualitative characteristics of natural gas commercially available. Therefore, it is relevant to solve the problem of operational control of the quality of natural gas, through scientific justification, development and improvement of tools that enable the indirect accounting of the energy value of natural gas in accordance with global trends in energy accounting.
A correlation analysis was carried out to establish the relationship between the thermal conductivity and the calorific value of natural gas. The use of the thermocatalytic method for determining the calorific value of gas is proposed, which will allow designing a relatively cheap and easy-to-use device for monitoring the quality of natural gas specifically for the consumer.
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