natural gas, heat of combustion, thermocatalytic method, experimental research.Abstract
The paper describes the design of a laboratory bench for experimental studies of thermocatalytic methods for determining the heat of combustion of a gas using natural gas samples. The technique of measurements performed on the developed experimental stand is described in detail. The design of the described model was developed with the possibility of conducting research in a pulsed mode of operation, it significantly reduces the time for conducting experimental research and allows for each experiment to control the initial signal level of the measuring bridge circuit. The developed measuring stand allows one to measure one sensor in a bridge circuit, and also provides the ability to quickly replace the investigated transducer, which is important when conducting routine experimental research. The regularities of the change in the output signal of the measuring circuit were experimentally established when using a gas sample of a known composition and heat of combustion at a gas flow rate of 0.5 to 1.5 ml and a carrier gas (air) of 1-5 l / h. The results of testing thermocatalytic converters are presented. in a natural gas environment. Experimental studies have confirmed the possibility of using a thermochemical analyzer to measure low volumetric specific heats of combustion of natural gases. An important advantage of the described analyzer is that it provides the ability to measure the heat of combustion of a gas in a pulsed mode of operation with a small (0.5 - 2 ml) sample of the analyzed gas, which eliminates the need to use special means for stabilizing the volumetric flow rate of a variable gas composition, significantly reduces the time required for research, and also significantly reduces the costs associated with the purchase of pure gases.
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