gene, chromosome, criterion of adaptation, the dimension problem of the system of equations, software implementation, the acceleration efficiency.Abstract
The successful implementation of the of inductive method for self-organizing model is possible only if the number of input variables and the degree of the polynomial are small numbers. This lack of inductive method for self-organizing models can be resolved if the mathematical model is built using a method that is based on the idea of genetic algorithms. The method significantly extends the class of empirical models and allows to synthesize optimal model complexity based on external criteria of selection models. At the same time, the increase of the empirical models synthesis problem dimension causes the increase of their software implementation time. Therefore, the actual scientific problem is to reduce the computing time, and solving this problem will allow the synthesis of high dimension empirical model. The parallelization algorithm for optimal complexity model synthesis is one of the possible solutions. Analysis algorithm for constructing empirical models of optimal complexity showed that the most costly operations are the solution of linear algebraic equations systems and the system output computing. These operations are performed in loop. To reduce the cost of computing time the parallel algorithms are developed and their characteristics, acceleration and efficiency, are defined.
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