
  • M. V. Krykhivskyi Institute of information technology, ІFNTUOG
  • V. I. Mukhajliv Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019
  • L. V. Samaniv Institute of information technology, ІFNTUOG




diagnostics of urban ecosystem; comprehensive assessment of the level of environmental safety; dynamic decomposition; fuzzy state of the ecosystem.


The development of technologies and production today is closely connected with the prevention of negative impact on the environment by interstate agreements and the legislation of countries. However, a unified methodology for assessing anthropogenic activity in the context of changes in ecological systems does not yet exist. Different approaches to this problem lead to different methods and, accordingly, to different results.

The main focus of scientific developments in this area is paid to the processes of environmental pollution, emissions and waste of industrial production and life. It is the changes, and the most dangerous of them are irreversible, that is the aspect that fully reflect the adequacy in assessing the level of environmental safety. Therefore, an important and urgent task of science today should be considered predicting changes in ecological systems due to the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors. The solution to this problem is impossible without the development of new mathematical diagnostic methods.

The study is aimed at developing tools to support strategic environmental assessment of ecological systems of cities in the context of the concept of environmental impact assessment. A theoretical tool is proposed that makes it possible to both predict and investigate the existing situation.

The paper considers a new scientific and practical approach to diagnostics of the ecological state of natural technogenic components of cities (urban ecosystems). It is proposed to assess the level of environmental safety by mathematical modeling of a system with a variable structure. The study is based on the trajectory of fuzzy structures of the ecosystem, combining integral indicators and bioindication.

The proposed mathematical model will make it possible to formalize changes in the environment. This approach improves the methodology for a comprehensive assessment of all components of the environment and will allow the use of computer technology for these purposes, and will make the diagnosis more objective. The theory of dynamic decomposition substantiates a method for assessing the level of environmental safety based on fuzzy states of the ecosystem.

Formalization can be used to automate the diagnostics of the ecological safety of cities and to develop algorithmic support for complex analysis at the level of natural technogenic complexes of cities.


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How to Cite

Krykhivskyi, M. V., Mukhajliv, V. I., & Samaniv, L. V. (2021). DYNAMIC DECOMPOSITIONAL APPROACH TO LEVEL ASSESSMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY OF CITIES. METHODS AND DEVICES OF QUALITY CONTROL, (1(46), 117–124. https://doi.org/10.31471/1993-9981-2021-1(46)-117-124

