
  • M. V. Krykhivskyi Institute of information technology, ІFNTUOG
  • V. I. Mykhailiv Institute of information technology, ІFNTUOG
  • L. V. Samaniv Institute of information technology, ІFNTUOG




diagnostics of information support; decision-making by environmental services, fuzzy state of the ecosystem, fuzzy ecological process, information model of ecological safety.


Industrial production, military operations, the vital activity of the population and animals have a significant impact on the environment. Ecosystem changes are occurring that often pose a danger to humans and may be irreversible. For sustainable development, a reasonable adjustment of policy in the system of environmental security is necessary. Therefore, environmental services should use computer technology, information modeling, intelligent information systems with elements of artificial intelligence.

An objective understanding of the situation and processes in ecosystems involves large amounts of information, a variety of information and mathematical models, interstate agreements and legislation. Today, environmental services are mainly engaged in accounting for emissions into the atmosphere. It is important to analyze, predict and reasonably influence the processes in ecosystems in the context of anthropogenic activities. Different perceptions of this problem lead to different approaches leading to different results.

Scientific research in the field of environmental safety for environmental services is mainly focused on the study and documentation of environmental pollution, industrial and domestic emissions. Less attention is paid to the changes undergoing ecosystems, and even less attention is paid to information modeling to support the activities of administrative bodies with the aim of influencing society to improve the state of the environment. Therefore, information and mathematical modeling, forecasting changes in ecosystems is relevant.

The study is aimed at developing methods for diagnosing information support, developing tools for objectifying environmental control services in the context of the concept of information modeling and forecasting. Mathematical models are proposed to improve the information support of activities in the context of reasonable changes in the existing situations of ecological and social systems.

It is recommended to use information models in the activities of environmental services for the use of computer technology both for professional work and for diagnosing the condition. As an integrated approach, it is proposed to take into account the benefits and risks that combine future achievements and possible losses from making a management decision. The study is based on the formalization of fuzziness, inaccuracy, uncertainty of the state and processes in ecological and social systems.

The decision-making process is based on the normalization of benefits and risks for given alternatives. These alternatives take into account both accepted rules, international agreements and laws with legislative acts, as well as the laws of nature. This makes it possible to take into account the versatility of information from environmental services and improve the efficiency of their activities for sustainable development and will allow the use of computers for information processing, objectivity.

The mathematical model can be used to create an information system for environmental services. To implement it, a computer with mediocre computing capabilities for general use is enough.



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How to Cite

Krykhivskyi, M. V., Mykhailiv, V. I., & Samaniv, . L. V. (2023). DIAGNOSIS OF INFORMATION SUPPORT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. METHODS AND DEVICES OF QUALITY CONTROL, (1(48), 97–102. https://doi.org/10.31471/1993-9981-2022-1(48)-97-102

