geomorphometry, shifts, relief plasticity, structural relief lines, morphoisograph.Abstract
The analysis of methods of creation of geomorphological maps on the basis of digital model of a relief is executed. The mathematical basis of morphometric relief analysis is given. With the help of the Surfer software package, a digital relief model of the upper part of the Bystritsa Solotvynska River basin was developed, as well as maps of slope steepness and exposure, relief plastic maps separating positive and negative landforms, visualizing ridge and keel relief lines. For each point of the model according to the developed algorithms and programs the minimum distances to orographic lines - watersheds, thalwegs of a hydrographic network are defined. According to these data, maps of slope lengths, distance maps from the hydrographic network, and runoff length maps were compiled. A map of the vertex surface is constructed from the coordinates of points on the ridge lines, and an isobasite map is constructed from the coordinates of the points of the keel lines of the relief. Maps of residual relief and depth of relief dissection were built on the basis of these maps and the relief map. The digital relief model determines the following characteristics of the river basin, namely: basin area, length, average width and slope of the basin, length of hydrographic network, volume of rocks above the base surface, area of positive and negative landforms. According to the proposed algorithm, the program was developed in the Object Pascal language in the Borland Delphi environment. The nature of the distribution of heights for the part of the Bystritsa Solotvynska river basin was determined by the DEM. Average height, variance, standard, coefficients of variation, coefficients of excess and asymmetry are calculated. A graph of the distribution of heights, which shows that the distribution is close to normal. The developed maps allow to determine the areas of possible landslides, to calculate the degree of erosion of the slopes, to monitor morphodynamic changes in the terrain.
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