: pipelines, mixtures with aggressive components, stress state, systems of equilibrium equations, annular stresses, deformed sections.Abstract
The task of estimating the stress-strain state of pipelines through which gas-liquid mixtures with aggressive components are transported is considered, the purpose, object and object of research are established. The analysis of the current state of scientific and technical researches on the given subject is carried out, the circle of unresolved problems is revealed. The combined effect on the pipelines through which gas-liquid mixtures with aggressive components are transported stress – strained state change is estimated by two models - the model for determining the change of the stress-strain state of the pipeline by data on the surface points certain set displacement taking into account the quasi-stationarity of the process. The device uses interpolation smoothing splines and methods of differential geometry, 6 components of strain and stress tensors are determined. In order to substantiate the method of estimation of annular stresses at the wear of the pipeline walls due to the action of the aggressive components of the transported mixtures, systems of equilibrium equations for pipeline sections and for quasi-rectilinear sections with altered cross-section configuration have been derived. Boundaryt conditions for equilibrium equations are established. Calculation formulas for estimation of annular stresses arising under the action of internal pressure for sections with shape defects caused by the action of aggressive components are established. The results of calculations that allow to quantify the change of the most significant ring stresses arising in the pipeline material under the action of internal pressure in the pipeline cross sections, which were exposed to the aggressive components, are presented. It is assumed that the deformed sections are little different from the shape of the circle.
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