metrology; measurement; standardization; review; neural networks; algorithmization; software; instrument building; calibration; automationAbstract
The tasks of automatic calibration and adjustment of systems are common and arise in many areas, including the metrology direction. The work provides a general analysis of the elements of the standardization system of Ukraine aimed at regulating the calibration tasks of metrological equipment. The analysis of Ukrainian and foreign information sources on the calibration of metrological equipment, as well as the calibration of other systems, approaches to which can be applied in solving the problem of automating the calibration of metrological (measuring, control and diagnostic) equipment was performed. It was determined that in Ukrainian sources, the task of automating the calibration process or procedure occurs minimally, and mainly in the context of foreign research, while Ukrainian researchers are mostly focused on certain related tasks, such as remote telemetry and control of metrological equipment. Considered foreign sources regarding the task of automatic, automated calibration of devices, systems, etc. Two main dichotomies of the directions of work of foreign researchers in the context of the calibration task are noted, namely: neural network - algorithmic (non-deterministic - deterministic), abstracted to generalized systems - specialized to direct implementation. Because the calibration task is broad, the sources reviewed cover more than just the direct metrological application of the calibration task. The considered sources also include problems of calibration of software and electronic systems of non-metrological purpose. The identified methods and solutions for calibrating systems, calibration automation, implemented in the form of algorithms, devices, neural networks, applied to devices, sensors, software environments, etc.
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