centrifugal supercharger, volumetric productivity, clustering, forecasting, Fuzzy C-Means algorithm, subtractive fuzzy clustering algorithm.Abstract
Methods for predicting the volumetric productivity of a centrifugal supercharger, which is based on the clustering approach, are performed in this paper. Their advantage over existing forecasting methods is that they take into account the chaotic component of experimental data and include modern information technology (fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms). Due to the large number of iterative approaches, the value of the error of the objective function is gradually reduced to the desired value, which provides a fairly good quality of forecasting.
The prediction method based on the Fuzzy C-Means algorithm, which is based on solving fuzzy c-means, is implemented in the Matlab software environment. For this method, the number of clusters is twenty, and the number of iterative approaches ranges from one hundred. The value of the standard deviation equal to 0.036816 is calculated.
Another method for predicting the volumetric performance of a centrifugal supercharger, which is based on the subtractive fuzzy clustering algorithm, is also considered. Fuzzy rules were synthesized autonomously from experimental data, and a Sugeno-type model was used to construct a fuzzy rule base. For each point, the value of the potential is calculated, which shows the possibility of forming a cluster in its vicinity. The centers of the clusters are selected iteratively from the points with maximum potentials. It is established that the value of the standard deviation for this method is 0.024289. The obtained results confirm a good degree of convergence of the experimental values to the predicted ones.
Experimental data used for testing of the proposed methods were obtained during the operation of the centrifugal supercharger type 16 ГЦ2-395/53-76С of Dolyna linear production administration of gas transmittal pipelines in November 2014.
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