Navier-Stokes system, boundary conditions, the flowing in the wells low leakage, numerical method, stability, spectrum characteristics of stabilityAbstract
A mathematical model of viscous fluid flow in the pipeline and in the wells for oil extracton with the presence of flow across the surface and the narrowing of pipeline section, which is based on a system of Navier-Stokes equations in two-dimensional rectangular region with a special type of boundary conditions has been designed. The geometric configuration of the leakage zone is taken into the account. It is believed that the fluid motion is under the influence of constant length of pressure difference. For the solving of this system, the numerical method of finite differences was developed by which the finite differences scheme is realized – the first step is implicit in longitudinal coordinate, and the second – on the transversal. The study on the stability of the spectral features method, stability conditions are established for the case of flow calculation with specified parameters and for the given type of the pipeline geometry. The criterion of numerical stability is presented taking to account the model’s parameters. The calculations for the model and real system have been made and analyzed.
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