The natural gas combustions higher heat measuring possibility modeling for the available informative parameters


  • I. V. Rybitskyi Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019
  • O. M. Karpash Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019
  • M. O. Karpash Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, 76019



heat of combustion; natural gas; ultrasound; carbon dioxide; gas quality; physico-chemical parameters.


The impact of our state's commitments on the implementation of the Third Energy Package on the gas market is considered. It is shown that the lack of natural gas consumers information about the amount and cost of energy consumed creates certain problems in the formation of the gas market. The currently existing methods and technical means that implement them to determine the energy characteristics of natural gas are described, as well as a list of regulations governing this activity. The necessity of improving the existing methods and technical means of measuring the heat of combustion of natural gas in order to ensure their operability on low pressure gas networks is proved. Measuring the quality of natural gas (its calorific value) is a complex and expensive process. As a rule, it is currently measured only by the gas transmission and gas supply companies at the point of entry and exit of the gas transmission system, as well as at individual points at the level of gas distribution stations. Measurements are made using industrial flow or stationary laboratory chromatographs, which cost hundreds of thousands of euros. In addition, the maintenance of such chromatographs is expensive, and their work requires highly qualified workers. Such measurements are not available to the average household consumer mainly due to the cost of measuring one sample, which can reach tens of thousands of hryvnias, and therefore he can be satisfied only with the information provided to him by the gas supply organization. In such a scheme of supplier-consumer relationship lies a conflict of interest, because the organization that sells gas itself and determines (measures) its quality. An analysis of recent research in the field of natural gas quality control, in particular its calorific value, has shown that the most promising in terms of cost and applicability in different areas of gas transportation, from production to consumption, are correlation methods.

A new correlation was obtained between the physicochemical properties of natural gas (the rate of propagation of ultrasonic vibrations and the content of carbon dioxide in the sample of natural gas) and the higher heat of combustion of natural gas. The method of natural gas combustion heat control has been improved, measurement accuracy has been increased and functionality has been expanded.


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How to Cite

Rybitskyi, I. V., Karpash, O. M., & Karpash, M. O. (2020). The natural gas combustions higher heat measuring possibility modeling for the available informative parameters. METHODS AND DEVICES OF QUALITY CONTROL, (1(44), 147–154.




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