oil and gas manifestations, operative forecasting, abnormally high formation pressure, drilling mud, rock.Abstract
The analysis of methods of forecasting and operative detection of oil and gas water manifestations is carried out in order to use automatic control devices for certain parameters as a means of detecting emergencies related to oil and gas leaks in the process of drilling oil and gas wells. However, technological and theoretical research proves that the use of one parameter, even the most informative, does not always allow to unambiguously assess the situation. In most cases, this requires simultaneous control of several parameters, their comparison and analysis of trends in their changes. This problem can be solved by creating automatic systems for monitoring the drilling process and detecting oil and gas manifestations and other complications. Methods for detecting and preventing oil and gas manifestations are operational control and should therefore be based on operational information, which is continuously obtained by sensors. Moreover, their efficiency will be high if a sufficiently high guarantee of detection of the real complication (oil and gas) with a minimum of false positives. This condition can be achieved by using a very large amount of information, much of which can be obtained quickly, using various methods of forecasting and rapid detection of oil and gas manifestations, which are analyzed in the article.
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